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       "So long, be strong, stay true, and be you"; a quote that I live by because         determination is everything to me.  I am a teenage R&B Singer from West Philadelphia. I started singing at age 9, when I discovered I had a voice, once I notice the good reactions and comments from my family and friends I knew I had something special and wanted to continue using it. Then after my self discovery I started of memorizing other artist songs and lyrics, then soon after  wrote my own. I wrote my first whole  finished song when I was 12; called "Hold Me Close".  Then I decided to write my music in the professional way by using the title for the sections in the lyrics. 


      Why do I sing? A question that has been ask less but needs to be asked more. To remind. yourself of what you are doing and what you are doing it for. To be known, to be a role model and to see the results of your achievements is just the bonus that comes with it. I see music more than a talent, its an art, a skill and an opportunity. It could be your dream or your beautiful nightmare, but it's up to you on what you do with it. I would like to be known in the world or at least most of it. To leave a mark on as many places and hearts that I can. To give back to those who have been with me all the way, to prove to those who thought they knew what  I was going to be or doubted my capabilities. But to prove it to yourself, have confidence, and to shame your self-doubt.


PhlySquad Entertainment

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